Event Information

Vibe/Vibrance, a group exhibit featuring Chee Kung, Jenny Nordstrom, Sookkyung Park, Alexandra Sherman, and April Wright, will create a zestful and immersive environment – encompassing various disciplines and filling the main gallery with color and purpose. Kungs geometrical assemblages provide structure and chaos, where Nordstrums photographs depict aged, but resonant structures from around the world. Park and Wright extend their artwork beyond the walls, creating an expansive viewing experience, while Shermans drawings bring an otherworldly, yet semi-historical perspective to the earth and what lies within. Together, these artists provide illustrious approaches to their craft that combine into a beautiful, yet unexplainable story.
Ticket Price: FREE
Age: All Ages
Brentwood Arts Exchange
(301) 277-2863 brentwoodarts@pgparks.com 3901 Rhode Island AvenueBrentwood, MD